The fortnightly Zoom Cafes continue to provide high quality Continuing Professional Development completely free to members. Dalcroze Teachers from around the world and other experts in relevant fields to Dalcroze are invited each term to give three ‘Guest Tutor’ sessions. These can be around a related topic or distinct sessions. In the spring term Dr Amy Bebbington (https://www.amybebbington.co.uk/ ) was invited to talk and give practical sessions on choral conducting.

Amy is the Director of Training for the Association of British Choral Directors and co-founded the London International Choral Conducting Competition. She studied with Dalcroze UK for a while on the Croydon training course and the connection between gesture and sound has always been an integral part of her own teaching. She gave sessions on warm ups and vocal technique, conducting technique and kinaesthetics and gesture. Her sessions were well –attended and well-received so, if you missed them, they are on the Members Portal (Zoom Café).

Aside from the guest tutor sessions, Dalcroze teachers and members are regularly invited to talk about some aspect of Dalcroze training, their work or related passions. Anita Strevens kicked off the spring term by talking about and showing examples of her work with children with Special Educational Needs at Pro Corda. Nick Bottini gave a fascinating talk on how we can attract people more effectively to our work and Karin Greenhead talked about the different levels of training and what graduates of a Foundation, Intermediate, Certificate and Licence level can say about their qualification.


The guest tutor for this term is £aetitia Disseix-Berger, an experienced Diplômée from France. She will start with a session on Plastique Animee on 9th May and continue a fortnight later into her own strategies for lesson planning. Watch the Dalcroze UK Facebook page for further details.

Andrew Davidson will also lead an Open Zoom evening on Thursday 20th June where you can invite colleagues and friends for a free Dalcroze session and where they can ask questions about the method, Dalcroze training and the applications of Dalcroze, all from the comfort of their own home.  It wold be great if every member could invite just one person.

On July 4th there will be the start in a series of “Where are they now? – looking at the different environments where qualified Dalcroze practitioners are teaching. This first in the series will introduce you to some familiar and perhaps less familiar faces of Dalcrozians teaching in the UK and Ireland in music conservatories and universities. Finally, on July 18th we will gather for the final session of the academic year where you can share how your work has been, your successes and difficulties and be able to get support and advice from fellow colleagues.