Spring Into Dalcroze – Virtual School


These classes run from 6th to 10th April at three levels, depending on your Eurhythmics experience, and you will be allocated to a level as classes become full. The timetable shows when each level will have their classes. You will receive a total of 10.5 hours of teaching spread over three consecutive days and each [...]

£250.00 – £310.00

The Science of Learning – applying neuroscience in the Dalcroze classroom


          Presenter - Jacqueline Vann (click image for biography) Cognitive neuroscience, now more than a century old, is a scientific field bridging the disciplines of psychology, biology and neuroscience and seeks to explain how we learn based on how the brain functions. The enthusiasm, as new findings emerge, is tempered with [...]

£30.00 – £35.00

Curves and Straight Lines


          Presenter - Kathryn Kay (click image for biography) Curves and straight lines Inspiring children to improvise music sequences using movement. In her online children's classes, Kathryn has incorporated more improvisation into Rhythmics lessons than is normally possible in the room. In this workshop she will lead the group through some [...]

£30.00 – £35.00

A Geography Of The Voice


          Presenter - Ava Loiacono (click image for biography) What is between the spoken voice and the singing voice? This workshop aims at exploring the possibilities between these two areas of the voice. Vowels as ringing sounds, consonants as sculpture, essence. The work will be physical within the limits of one’s [...]

£30.00 – £35.00

Dalcroze And The Creative Autonomous Performer


          Presenter - Diane Daly (click image for biography) Diane presents a research paper on the impact of Dalcroze Eurhythmics on fostering creativity and autonomy in classical instrumental pedagogy. Her research took the form of an arts practice investigation which included devising, rehearsing, performing and documenting two performance events, drawing on Dalcroze [...]


Plastique Animée Duets over Zoom


                            Presenters: Dr Selma Odom and Mary Price-O'Connor (click images for biographies) Selma and Mary are intrigued about what is possible over Zoom and would like to explore duets Plastique Animeé over Zoom. We will explore selected material from Bartok’s 44 duos [...]

£30.00 – £35.00

Here Be Dragons


          Presenter - Dr Karin Greenhead (click image for biography) In this seminar Karin will discuss the issues involved in researching her own practice of DR and DE. The session will cover her aims and questions, methodology and methods and the issues that arise when the researcher is also a source [...]

£30 – £35.00

What Is Dalcroze Eurhythmics?


Presenter: Jacqueline Vann Dalcroze Eurhythmics is both the name of the method and the name of the person who created the method - Emile Jaques-Dalcroze. Often known simply as Dalcroze, it is an active method of music education that puts the body at the centre of learning. It developed at a very interesting moment in time historically and [...]

£30 – £35

Cours Global For All


Presenter: Hélène Nicolet Playing polymetrics: against, for and with! Join this online workshop for a global course for all combining movement, rhythmics, aural training and improvisation. This 2 hours session will focus on 2 against 3 at different levels of speeds, using modes, and other repertoire pieces.   Registration Closes 16th August at 9am UK [...]

£30.00 – £35.00


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